Shipping Update - Next batch of ZYGEN NP-01

Oct, 29 ,2020
  VAXEE's goal is to establish a platform that allows you to shop, with peace of mind. The requirements for product quality and after-sales service must be continuously reviewed and kept to a higher standard. We do not encourage impulse buying and at the same time constantly remind ourselves to be honest in our work and not postpone improvement for the sake of increasing sales numbers. 

We want to thank you for your support. Since we announced the NP-01, the response has far exceeded our expectations, to the point where we often find ourselves having insufficient supply.

Unlike in the past, we now use a full inspection method for quality control. While most people are satisfied, we are still working to further improve our level of quality control. At the same time, we regularly communicate with our manufacturer to let them know our standards in order to make future productions better. We have reviewed the feedback collected, and now have a clear direction to start making adjustments. With this in mind, the next shipment of ZYGEN NP-01 will be in late November.

Those of you who have been wanting to make a purchase but have not yet been able to, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for your support. At the same time, we want to sincerely apologize for the long wait. 

VAXEE will always strive to have transparent communication, and so we will continue to report back from time to time, when we have progress updates or news about products.

 Finally, thank you again for your support and understanding. We know our process is not perfect and we ask for your trust in our determination and effort to continuously improve the quality of our products and service. 


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2020-11-19 22:25
„...and now have a clear direction to start making adjustments...“

Does this mean, that upcoming batches will feature some updates over the past batches?
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2020-11-20 15:07
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